Sweetheart Sock Hop
February 18, 2018
Kids grab your Dad, Mom, Granddad, Grandma or family friend and prepare yourself for an evening of fun, dancing, contest, prizes and refreshments. The DJ will play your requests and the crowd will get into the excitement. Each child will receive a corsage and commemorate photo. Space is limited so register early and save money. Those who pay at the door cannot be guaranteed a corsage. Extra bonus – register by January 14th and be eligible to win a limousine ride to and from the dance!
Ages: Children 3 and up
Fee: $30 per couple-resident/ $35 per couple-non resident, $10.00 each additional child
Fee at the door: $35 per couple-resident/ $40 per couple-non resident, $12.00 each additional child
GK Middle School, use cafeteria entrance